type: computer compatible
Rating 4 stars
Controller: Arduino Leonardo
connection type: USB
material: 7 ply hard wood
sensor type: mechanical
firmware: DDR-A, DDR-B, DDR-C, DDR-D
pad dimensions: 36" x 32" x 2"
pad weight: 36 lbs

Andrew Buczko

Dungeon Studio's Custom Built Wooden DDR Dance Pad. Made from high quality cabinet grade 7 ply wood. Each arrow consist of four points of contact for high sensitivity. Each Arrow has four metal springs for fast response time. The Pad works with a PC through the USB connection. This pad works great with Stepmania and OpenITG, both programs are available free online. This pad is based off of Monkeys design but changed slightly. The Pad features an Arduino microcontroller for running the pad. The design has been field tested at many conventions and some random parties. Everyone wants to have a DDR Arcade Machine but they are pretty big, this Pad can easily be stored away. A must have for parties!

Availability II

There are 05 pads currently in stock. If you need more Pads than what is in stock Then the Pads will be made as ordered. The lead time for making Pads is two weeks (to allow time for ordering parts if needed). Please contact us if ordering in large quantities.

4.8 out of 5
based on 3 Reviews
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john doe
kiev, ukraine

"Tempus vestibulum mus imperdiet nibh sem"

posted 12 May 2015

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